That evening we had a a BBQ with the family and the food was great. Austin is getting so big- he doesn't need a high chair at the grandparents anymore, we just prop him up on a few phone books! He is at such a fun age trying to say words and talk. Word of the week is puppy! He will go through his books and find a picture of a puppy and then tell us over and over, "Puppy, puppy, puppy!" He also decided that he isn't saying daddy anymore, he just calls him "Nick." We try and correct him and say , "no, it's daddy" but he just really likes to run around Nick and yell his name.
Back to the 4th, that night we went to watch the fireworks at Oyster Creek park. I was worried Austin would be scared but he just sat in my lap the whole time (the longest he has sat still since 6 months) and kept saying 'whoa' and 'wow' while shoving caramel popcorn in his mouth! It was really fun. Here are a few pics!