I took these pictures of Austin in his big boy car seat cause I just couldn't believe it. We got this for him about a month ago when he turned one and he is in love! Here he is so little on the way home from the hospital...
and now he cruises around and points at things out the window. It is so cute but I just can't believe how BIG he is!

...notice the bruise on his forehead- that would be his BF Brayden. They are beasts together.

Lately Austin has been teething- BAD! He had all eight of the front teeth and now is getting in the molars, which probably feel the worst. It also just so happened to be right in the middle of Nick's busy season!! So Nick was never home for like 3 weeks straight and Austin was being so fussy, crying and always pulling on me. Here is how I got through the weeks, I think the picture says it all....

That's right- I just drugged him up on Baby Oragel and then would give him the tube to chew on. It got to the point that when I pull it out of my purse he throws his whole body towards the tube with his mouth wide open. I'm not sure if that is an ideal response to drugs, but it got us through a rough patch!

In the last month or so he has also developed a "little" personality. I always hear people say, "oh I just love to see their little personality start to show, it's so cute." I would have to say I am not one of those people because his little personality hasn't been very cute. Nick and I have decided that he is just testing the waters and his independence and Nick finds it hilarious- I don't. He likes to throw things at me such as objects, food or his fist.
The food one is only after he is done eating and he just isn't responding to "No." When we say no he just stares you right in the eyes, picks up a handful of food, moves his hand over the end of the tray, pauses for a sec while still staring and then...drops it. And it's not even that he thinks it's funny, cause he doesn't laugh- I don't get it. We have started trying different techniques and have just decided to take away the food as soon as the games begin! He might have mommas stubborn personality, but he still can't win...I know, I know that won't last forever.
The fist in my face isn't too often and I have figured out that if I say no and then pretend to cry cause it hurt, he gets really confused and gives me a hug. The more frustrating one is the flying objects such as balls, cell phones or blocks that are always aimed for my head and the funny/annoying thing is he always hits it. Nick will laugh and when I tell him to not encourage bad behavior this is what I get, "Julie I am not encouraging him to throw things at your head, I am just congratulating him on hitting his target. If he is aiming for something and hits it, that's awesome." How do you respond to that?
Anyways, we are loving all the fun changes he has too. He is learning our names and names of objects in our house or phrases. I love seeing the communication barrier come down- it is so much fun to see him understand what I say! He also plays more with us now that he walks like a champ and he loves rides in his wagon and tricycle! My most recent favorite thing he does is DANCE! It is so funny, whenever a commercial comes on TV that has music, he will couch down real low and shake his booty up and down.. he loves it!
So that is our update and I will leave with a few fun pics I found from when we watch the 3D Super Bowl commercials...