I just can't believe that the 4th of July has already come and gone! In my head that means we are a week and a half away from my Utah vacation, a few months from fall AND half way to Christmas! I would have to say that fall is my favorite season because I just love the change of weather, colors and embarrassingly enough- wardrobe! I think fall to winter clothes are the cutest with all the fun jackets, dark colors and jeans with boots- don't get me started!
Back to 4th of July- Nick and I had so much fun this year with a FULL day of fun activities. I had to wake up early and start making 2 Texas Sheet Cakes. I don't know if you have ever had Texas Sheet Cake but it is extremely good, just don't ask how many sticks of butter or cups of sugar goes into it! Nick helped me make the sheet cakes, which was a treat because it is rare for him to be in the kitchen baking. After they cooled we took one of the cakes and Austin to our neighbors house for a craw fish boil. We just chatted for a bit and let people tell us how cute Austin was and then we were on our way to the BBQ and Nancy Weaver's house. We always have fun at Nancy's house and they always have the best food and activities. Laura was in town, so it was fun to see her and other couples like Rob & Jess, Brodie & Jennika, Brent & Kelly, Jake & Sabrina (the Nielsen's cousins) and all the little kids running around. Rob and Paul spent most of the day cooking up some good food like brisket, sausage, chicken and Nancy made all the great sides. Nick and I had to restrain ourselves from eating because we had originally made plans with Chris and Sally for that night- it was really hard! Everyone went swimming and I got a few fun pictures of the boys trying to catch things off the diving board.

Brodie and Brent
After a few hours at the Weavers we left to spend the rest of the evening with Chris and Sally, which is always fun. We ended up going out to dinner to Olive Garden and was so nice because the place was dead! Katelyn sat by me at dinner and kept my attention on her with random stories and funny comments. She dared me to eat the yellow peppers that come in the salad but I told her only if she took a bite and that girl can take a dare! Their kids are super picky so I thought I got myself out of eating that sick pepper but I looked over and Kate took a bite out of it and handed it to me! I just couldn't get out of it now- it was pretty sick. After dinner we headed out to Chris and Sally's undiscovered PERFECT spot for fireworks- I'm not going to say where it was so it stays that way! But the fireworks were literally right above our heads and the babies did so well! Austin just watched them all and I have to admit, I covered my ears a few times because we were so close. Here are some pictures from the night...

A picture of Austin laughing at Kate and Peyton running and slamming into each other. He must like violence because he laughs when they hit each other or Peyton is swinging his bat- I am not sure what to think about it all and his laugh is so adorable.
Nick and Austin enjoying the show.
Kate was a little freaked out and Peyton brought his elephant.

Overall it turned out to be a great day with our friends and family. It is fun to start making new traditions for our own little family!
Sounds like a great day! You looked great and I love my adorable nephew!! and...I totally know what you mean regarding clothes. Summer and dressing modestly make summer clothes not so great. Can't wait to see you!!!
Ya'll are such a cute little family! I'm glad you had a good Fourth of July! We miss hanging out with ya'll! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!
I bet it's so fun cooking in your new kitchen! By the way, I LOVE Texas Sheet Cake. It is a family favorite. I'm excited to see you next week!
Hey, I was just thinking you need to come over this week and hang out! Come on Tues and we can order lunch or something! Call me.
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