So Nick and I are sittin ducks here waiting for hurricane Ike to hit us! It is a beast and the eye of the storm is heading right for Houston. I guess it would be smart to evacuate, but then we would miss all the fun! Everyone is going crazy here and are in what I refer to as "survival mode"- meaning they could care less if they run you over in the WalMart parking lot. Yesterday Jess and I were brave and went to WalMart and Sam's for her to get some last minutes necessities. My list included diaper genie refills, hair mousse and PAM spray- as Jess says, "Only the essentials." Nick and I had done all of our shopping the night before AFTER I had talked Jess out of worrying because it was "no big deal." Then when we got to Walmart that night and there was nothing all the shelves I felt kinda bad for talking her out of getting her stuff. So yesterday I went with her to check out the craziness and it was just entertainment. The lines at Sam's were about 25 mins long and the parking lots were packed. As we were walking through the WalMart parking lot, this crazy lady that had a handicap sticker literally almost hit us speeding into her spot. Today we drove through Sugar Land to see what was going on and it was so weird to see everything closed- even WalMart!! You know if WalMart closed down, things are gettin' bad!
Nick is really excited about the storm and has been saying that he wanted to see a hurricane forever! The winds are going to be around 90 miles an hour at our house unless the storms moves and the eye hits us right on. I think it would be cool to see the eye going over us, but I might change my mind if one of the dozens of tornadoes hits our house. So that is our update and as I have been saying to Nick all day, "We're all gunna die!"
Here is a view of Ike- looks friendly huh?

Aww man, I totally wish I was there experiencing this with you! It sounds exciting. When I was little I wanted to be a storm chaser and 'Twister' was my favorite movie. Anyway, sounds fun as long as you all make it through! We will pray for you and I am totally texting or calling you tonight and in the morning!
Houston and I are watching the news right now, and even though there is "a hurricane uh comin" I really miss home. I'm watching geraldo on fox news in galveston and all these houston names and I miss it. Stay safe! Even though it looks super crazy on the news, I'm kind of jealous that I'm not there...
Survival mode is the best, I wont lie we should have spent more time together and gone to see what was up at target. See you this weekend
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