Remember back in this post when I talked about my obsession with getting a chandelier in the baby's room?? Well Nick was using his 'veto' power on that one and said absolutely way....and if I bought it he refused to hang it for me. I guess a chandelier in Mckayla's room was too over the top for him.
Well I just can't help it that Cristina and Chelsea loved the chandelier as much as I did....
and that they decided it would be the perfect shower gift!
So here you go, my adorable chandelier they bought me
when Nick saw the box as we unloaded my shower gifts, I told him not to worry... I already called my Dad to come hang it. :) I guess 'veto' power didn't work out on this one.
Here are a few other favorites from the shower. This blessing dress from my Mom and Dad:

I love it so much (especially the pearl details) and plan to hang it on her wall in a frame I found and painted white, like this picture....
There are so many other things I want to post from the nursery, it's almost done! I made the bed skirt like this one
with lots of help, but it turned out so perfect!!
The bedding it getting started tomorrow and with the left over fabric I am making this:
I already have all the letters cut out by my sweet father-in-law, they are just waiting to be covered and placed on her shelf.
I need to take pictures of some of my other great finds, crafty projects I have done & adorable presents for the nursery... soon.
As for how the baby is doing in my belly... really good. Maybe too good. I have a sneaking feeling she is going to wait this one out. I haven't dilated anymore since my preterm labor and that was over 3 weeks ago.
I will be 36 weeks on Sunday, which makes it perfectly safe to have her anytime after that. I am still not allowed to exercise, but after 36 weeks I think I can get the green light. The doctor plans to induce my October 15th (3 weeks from Friday) if she holds out, which he is doubtful... I wouldn't be surprised. But I have lots to keep my busy till then!
Oh yeah... and my ankles have officially disappeared. My weight gain & water retention has been awesome this pregnancy and I was thrilled... not for long. It seriously happened overnight and POOF they were gone. I drink my body weight in water every day and elevate all night but it never fails, by mid afternoon my feet look like they belong to this guy
oh well.
How cute! I can't wait to see pictures of the room! Glad to hear you're doing well. Now she can come anytime!
You are going to have the cutest nursery ever! I can't wait to see pictures of it!
Can't wait to see the bedding and can't wait to see it all done!!!
I can't wait to see pics! I love chandeliers, too. I totally understand! Come decorate Sadie's room for me.
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