Austin is in a stage where the bathroom is full of fun stuff to get into- his favorite are feminine products he finds in a box next to the toilet. Don't worry, I take them away when I catch it in time.

(I think this one is funny cause he is holding his diaper like he's a gangster.)
But here is the story behind the toilet paper- I had got in the shower one morning and Austin was playing in my room with some toys. He wandered into the bathroom and I didn't notice what he was doing until I looked over and he was holding a NEW roll of toilet paper above the open toilet (that was my mistake). My hair was full of shampoo so I just started yelling "NO" at him and he just looked at me and dropped it. I kept yelling no while he played with it in the toilet and I was frantically trying to finish my shower- he then started crying cause he thought I was mad at him. I got out of the shower just in time to see his little fingers reaching for the flusher and trying to flush the roll down. I caught him in time and good thing I captured it because now I can laugh, but at the moment I was pretty grossed out trying to fish that soggy roll out.
Here are some cute pics after all those gross ones:

yay! new posts! I love Austin's cool new "toys" and his gangsta pose!
oh this is stina by the way...I forgot houston got a gmail account :)
Oh my goodness. HOW FUNNY! :) We are glad you are back in the blogging world :)
I love the pics. They're hilarious. I can't decide which I think are funnier-the toilet paper or the tampons. He's darling.
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